Food-First Personal Trainer and metabolic health coach

amelia wood personal trainer edmonds, wa

No gym needed. No equipment required. No insane meal plans.

Just your mind, body, and your home.

All on your terms.

My name is Amelia and I am a Food-First Personal Trainer and Metabolic Health Coach based in the Seattle, Washington area. Let’s get to the two most important questions:

Why do I label myself a “food-first” personal trainer?

The food-first concept is rooted in the science of metabolic health: what we eat effects our mind and body. The two are inseparable. So to understand the power of food in relationship with your mental and physical state, we must address it first. We cannot live without food, so why wouldn’t we honor our dependency on it, before all else? If food is part of the problem, then it is part of the solution. I would be a failure as a personal trainer if I said, “just work double time at the gym, so you can work off the problematic food you eat every day.” In many cultures across the planet, the phrase, “As above, so below,” pretty much sums it up!

Why am I a “Metabolic Health” Coach?

Here is one of my favorite ways to explain it: Disorders of the body and mind are most commonly understood as overactive, underactive or absent functions. Simply put, we can be optimally functioning as a human or we can be living in a dysfunctional or dysregulated state. We are never “perfect” of course, but the science says that our metabolic state is a reflection of many, if not trillions, of parts. So using the term “metabolic health” is a holistic approach to health. It considers all pathways of dysfunction and evaluates how each pathway is related. For example, the notion of “calories in, calories out” or “calorie deficit,” are very controversial. However, if you look at the unbiased scientific evidence, those are all loaded terms. As Gary Taubes so eloquently describes in his book title, “Good Calories, Bad Calories,” one must lay a scrutinous eye upon anyone who says all calories are the same. This is where metabolic health comes in; shifting the approach from a black and white lens to a full color, full spectrum lens.

More About Me…

I believe that health should be simple and start with what you already have — your mind, body and culture. My goal is to listen to your experience, gather information, and craft your health journey in collaboration with you.

Your ideal lifestyle, goals and interests are always put first. I do not work in a gym or require access to a gym or any equipment when we work together. Have more questions? Scroll down to my FAQ section below.

My mind. I have always been a big thinker. An observer. A curious adventurer. And, I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life. To address these concerns, I have explored a variety of therapeutic modalities, including meditation, counseling, intergenerational trauma clearing, ritual and many different food lifestyles. I continue to explore these remedies to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, while I build supportive, affirming habits in my daily life. I also attend Metabolic Health conferences, take health coaching courses and read books on mental health. I am currently reading Brain Energy by Dr. Christopher Palmer and on the waitlist for the sold out book by Georgie Ede, Change Your Diet Change Your Mind. I love learning about mitochondrial health and how food impairs optimal functioning of our metabolic state. As a Metabolic Health Coach, I value the importance of building my network with other metabolic healthcare experts through the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP), where I am a current member.

My body. I love to move. I grew up playing sports and acting in theatre. I struggled with disordered eating and body image from an early age. Nowadays, I use movement as my caffeine and food as my main medicine. I am currently building muscle and experimenting with protein and fats to support my goals (I have to eat more than I think I should and it actually makes me feel great when I do). I love to lift weights, design band and body weight workouts, climb jungle gyms, and immerse myself in the four elements. I cook simple, whole food meals, I love to garden, forage, scuba dive, travel, dance and sing all the time!

My culture. I was raised in what I call a polyculture, so I celebrate and practice diverse traditions—from European to Lakota (Native American) to West African and East Asian. I went rogue as a teenager and took a deep dive into punk rock culture, veganism, and social justice efforts, so my DIY mentality is still very strong. My worldview is rooted in Lakota tradition and Eastern European Paganism. My ethnic ancestry consists of Eastern and Western European as well as Ho chunk Native American. I value the influence and importance of sacred culture for all people and encourage anyone to learn about their ancestry in order to reconnect with sacred, healing traditions.

My Qualifications


Personal Trainer Certification completed January 2022. Specialties: DEI Ethics, Coaching and Training Women, Exercise Science 101, Weight Management, Behavior Change Specialist (course in progress)


Specialties in Therapeutic LCHF Nutrition, Addictive Eating


Motivational Interviewing, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and Group Facilitation (The Conciliation Project)

MY PODCAST: On February 21, 2024, I launched a podcast with my bestie Dr. Funmmy Awoyomi entitled: The Magic of Metabolic Health. Watch it on YouTube!

And a random fun fact: I also own and operate The Great Surprisal. Check out my shenanigans there!


What is a Primitive Pulse? Primitive Pulse is a value system. The foundation is an optimal state of health including mind, body and culture. I utilize these principles to help you optimize your health through holistic, food-first personal training and coaching.

What is Metabolic Health Coaching(MHC)? MHC is a holistic approach to health, where we address symptoms of chronic conditions (disease) and mental health through the lens of food lifestyle and functional movement. Understanding the different facets of your metabolism helps you familiarize yourself with common symptoms like indigestion, bloating, chronic headaches, sleep issues, blood sugar and blood pressure, as well as other biomarkers. As a Metabolic Health Coach, I seek to empower you to make sustainable changes that will lead you to optimal health. Learn more about Metabolic Health here.

What are the Four Essential Steps (FES)? Read the full explanation here.

Do I have to change my diet to succeed? If you are content with your mood, sleep, energy, digestion, weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar, then no. But if you’re not satisfied…I encourage you to reevaluate the food you eat. I don’t ever recommend a diet; instead I focus on helping you identify which foods offer you sustainable energy, and which ones cause uncomfortable side effects. The goal is to develop a food lifestyle that is not only nourishing but is satisfying—one that you enjoy! When we talk about food, the term “abundance” always trumps “restriction.” The term “moderation” is not something I use or recommend.

Where do we work out when we train together? I come to your home or we meet virtually.

Are virtual sessions the same price as in-person? For one hour, yes. However, I do offer a 30 minute virtual session at a different rate (which is not offered in-person).

Do I need equipment to work out with you? Nope! If you have equipment, we use what you have. I focus on utilizing your home environment as a place for simple, functional movement. If you want to build muscle, get out those laundry baskets baby! Grab some milk jugs or fill that old paint bucket with water and start walkin’! You probably have more than what you need but if you’re unsure, we will determine what you need, together.

PSA — No Shoes Needed!

If I could give up hyper-modern shoes forever, I would! But since I live in a concrete jungle, I have a compromise to make: for two years now I have been exercising primarily in bare feet or moccasins (made by Jamie Gentry Designs). Those tiny tendons and muscles in my feet are finally thanking me! See what happens when you get rid of over-stuffed soles. Try barefoot or barely there shoes when you move.

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